Day 4 Goodguys Texas Road Tour with Bret Voelkel

Day 4 Lake Havasu to Globe, AZ

I wish I could have got a picture of the Ford Ranger that t-boned the cow south of Parker AZ. Both were totaled.
I also wish the speed limit was faster than 55 because I really wanted to run about 90. Except for the beware of cows thing.
I missed the stop at Baer Brakes because I stopped to see John Menzler, a good friend who isn’t doing so hot. It was by far the most important stop of the tour for me.
Then we hustled over to Airaid. Great shop! The surgically clean facility is where they manufacture all forms of performance air filter systems. Thanks for the dogs and smoothies!
Then it was over to Scottsdale to the collections of Pence Richmond and Dennis Wise. Where do these guys get all these bitchin cars?!
Then it was get out of town before the traffic…and so we could make the drive to Globe in the beautiful evening sun. Saguaro cactus and rocks as big as a house made for a great drive.
No real problems with the cars…a cantankerous fuel pump and a noisy rear end was all I heard about.
Tomorrow…through 300 miles of desert and mountains to Albuquerque!

Airraid FilterThis is one of the specially built machines at Airaid that eats filter material and shits air filters. Truly made in America!

airriad workMore air filter manufacturing.

CorvetteThis corvette gets a lot of seat time because it is closest to the door…and it’s a very cool car!

PenceAnother shot of Pence Richmonds collection.

wise shopDennis Wise graciously invited us over to his shop as well.

dennis collectMore of Dennis’ collection.

1 thoughts on “Day 4 Goodguys Texas Road Tour with Bret Voelkel

  1. Chux says:

    That corvette was owned and built buy Chux Trux in Independence, Mo with Ride Tech Parts! Great to see it still making rounds.

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